
Beginning with the “almost” obligatory Artist Statement...

There’s little that hasn’t been imaged or photographed today; in 2014 alone 657 billion digital images were uploaded to the web.
But… much is not yet imagined or seen, awaiting discovery still.

Bright color, strong contrast - simultaneously dim and faint. Dark. Light. Shadow. I look past the object or person… below the surface to where the resonance lies. This is where the vibration, the harmony, the chorus and the cacophony hide. Is there a story hidden in this teaser? Is the story human, or is it otherworldly?

I’m often asked what I photograph; Landscape? Portraiture? Do I shoot Macro, Long Exposure, Ballet Dancers? The answer… “YES! Of course!”

I freeze photons… capture fleeting and momentary ideas. Therein hides the magic; inside lie the hidden notes of a symphony.

With commentary; my truth...

The above artist statement is something I (am required to) present at a Gallery exhibition - it’s their little tradition of course, and is expected by the attending patrons and guests, Not willingly, but if I want to participate, they require their little artsy-fartsy statement, and I’ll oblige. However...

First article: Many artists, especially those with Gallery representation, an Agent, or that are “in vogue”, are a pretentious, self-aggrandizing, self-centered, counterfeit and vapid creature. Sub-human, many. Exceptions exist, I’m sure... and I may or may not be one. It all really depends on how I would act, or whether my character would change, should fame fall upon me. For now, I can’t stand the puffy lot. This position, articulated, might mean I’ve lost the interest of some reading this treatise about now. (That’s fine - you may leave...)

Second Article: I create for myself. Not you (or you, you, or you). These linked pages of digital “fluff” defined as a web site, are primarily intended to serve as a gallery in order to share my art with real people I have actual relationships with. If you are a wandering interloper, here by accident or chance, enjoy my work (or don’t). Doesn’t change the game as far as I’m concerned. If coincidentally you find yourself actually appreciating one of my works and want to own a print, that can be arranged. See the “Business” section.

Social Media...

I don’t play the social media game, I’m not on facebook, instagram, etc. I don’t twitter/tweet, or invest effort in any of the other platforms. You’ll not be reading blogs here. “IMHO” life is far to short for me to waste endless hours posting the latest “this or that” with pictures of what I had for dinner (how fabulous, the prawns were smiling at me!). And all for (literally) moments of “engagement” by you, yet hours of effort by me. I could’t give a shit if someone “loves” what I have to say or “likes” the particular image posted. I have no need to prove to anyone, including myself, that what I’ve done is somehow validated by someone else’s opinions.

By and large, the vast majority of participants are dopamine-addled “likes” addicts, and those commercially motivated are not the “influencers” they assume they are, but wanna-be ignoramuses that have bought into the hype that they too can gain millions of followers, resulting in getting rich with clicks. News flash... almost no-one, statistically, gets there. But we’re always thinking - “I’m special, I can achieve this” don’t we? That’s what happened after the academics in charge of education, assuming they were smarter than you or me, decided everyone needed a gold star on their assignment no matter how poor the work.

Sycophants populate these streams... “Wow, Jen; I just love those Lululemon panties you’re wearing on your awesome ski trip to Bora Bora! You’re amazing!” (No Jen, you’re not amazing. And someone needs to get a life... so sad that Jen’s bullshit impresses you.)


See paragraph two at above “Social Media” section. PT Barnum’s “a sucker born every minute” couldn’t be more accurate. In this case, the idiot masses thinking they can get rich by playing this particular lottery, driven by FOMO, are promoting just another pyramid scheme. Only the con artists at the very top of the pile are making bank. Everyone else is optimistically and willingly getting fleeced, once again. (Sheeple...) Did I need to mention that I have no patience for “stupid”? 

More on the “Gallery”...

I can’t stress enough... that the “appropriately” gay, transcendental, spiritual, otherworldly, androgynous, mystic, weird, reborn, time-traveling “artist” sharing his/her/its deep and hidden meaning behind the artwork being shown, wine-glass in hand, pinkie outstretched, is a con-man/woman/other-gendered preying on weakness and your belief that he/she/it has some higher level of understanding of life and everything that goes along with it. He/her/it is marketing to your ignorance, should you be impressed by any of it. I implore you; please grow a pair and call out these maggots on their bullshit... or it’ll never stop. Nothing that you, the average Joe Shmoe, would buy at a gallery in a trendy town while on vacation, is going to appreciate financially. Not (almost) ever.

Instead, should you run across an artwork that is appealing to you, which meets a current desire for having it as your own, one that you’d like to hang over your headboard or above your mantle; then absolutely negotiate with the charlatan (artist, agent or salesperson) attempting to influence your assumed lack of common sense. Make sure he knows (that you’re not fooled by any of this, and that you know) it will hang there for a number of years, but ultimately end up at a yard sale or in a thrift store, where someone else will buy it for 25¢ or $9.99 in order to repurpose the frame (been there, done that... as seller as well as buyer). Offer a fair price stripped of all speculative future value.

In Summary...

There’ll be no blogs, email-list mass mailings, or daily “sales-opportunity” reminders flooding your inbox from this site. You’re encouraged to come here and see what’s new once in a while, if you like. No pressure.

yup... You’re welcome.